Bored & Upset

Last Updated:
Captured: 2003-10-01 ~ 2003-10-12
Duration: 9:10
Goltzstraße, Schöneberg, Berlin, Germany Germany flag

This video shows Mensch ärgere dich nicht is testament to the German passion for board games and cyclic struggle between allegiance and retribution.


I had known Wee Flowers and her friends in Goltzstraße, Berlin for some years, and a couple of days after a particularly embarrassing birthday event where I burst into tears for no explicable reason, we decided to video our game of Mensch ärgere dich nicht to blow off some steam.

I have to thank Stevie for letting us play in his flat and for drinking all his tea.

Again this was a very quick production not much in excess of 60mins footage and still little regard for quality, but in some ways that's what I liked about this dirty little production.

Berlin Wall Faces



Wee Flowers Sylvie Schuerer Stevie Schuerer


Stereo De Luxe

Introduction Music

Stereo De Luxe


Tim Jules Hull

Special Thanks

Sabine Schmidt Julien Schmidt Kim Baumbach DJ LN


English to Spanish
Anabel Yahuitl Garcia

GameIndigenousBoardEuropeGermanyMensch argere dich nicht


Tim Jules Hull
Games Explorer

Tim is a computer games developer turned games explorer, documenting indigenous games and sports as he travels around the world via motorcycle.